Hanging out in the blogosphere continues to be more fun than I ever imagined. Where else can you be creative, expressive yourself and peruse at random the stomping grounds of talented writers, photographers, artists, etc.
An additional bonus is getting to know other bloggers who share their talent and deliver unexpected friendship.
I am blushing with girly delight at having received a “Friendly Blogger” award from the delightful d.s. at Third-Storey Window.
Twice before when honored with awards I was too shy to pass along the good fortune. But now I want to recognize a few cyber friends who have extended considerable kindness to me.
First to Sandie at Quirkyloon and Marvin at Free Spirit because they were there from the beginning to offer support and patiently answer questions. Grazie, merci, many thanks.
And then to Kathleen at Easy For Me to Say and Lola at AGLIO, OLIO & PEPERONCINO. They are gracious, lovely women – both so talented – who take the time to grace my blog with their insights, wit and wisdom.
I would have also given the award to Distracted by Shiny Objects, but she’s already been distinguished as a Friendly Blogger by another admirer. I just wanted to let her know I appreciate her amazing sense of humor and her incredible poetic spirit.
Go forth, all my fellow bloggers, and spread your talent and kindness. There can never be too much of either in the blogosphere, or in the world.