Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Blingee nation

Uncle Sam for Prattle
Glitter Graphics

Hello! Anybody out there in the blogosphere?

My request for Blingee creations has been woefully ignored, having received only a few entries to date. Interestingly, those who did submit a sparkly masterpiece all said the same thing..."Gee, that was fun."

So, see what you're missing. A creative process. The opportunity to wow your fellow bloggers. The chance to attach shiny stuff to digital pixels.

It's not too late. Click here for details. Wednesday, September 16, at midnight is the deadline. Looking forward to your razzle and dazzle.



Anonymous said...

I have "BLUNG" as it were. I decided that the more cheese the better. Loud and offensively cheesy.

Gail said...

I am not a blingette so I shall just have to enjoy the entries of others.

Oh said...

Hi, Py! I haven't done the bling thing...yet! but your Uncle Sam is hilarious and this is a great idea...and now I've procrastinated and have to get back to work. Bck later!!

Lindy said...

It looks like fun but too many irons in the fire this week. Looking forward to seeing the entries, however.

Rosaria Williams said...

Thanks for the offer; but you know me, all thumbs and no talent with artsy crafty stuff.

Lori ann said...

I'm trying, I am having trouble with the maker thing. It may not be working on my computer. I've got a photo in the preview place but each time I try to do something it won't work! agg.
well, i've got one more hour till the deadline!

Lori ann said...

i did it, it worked! it was me of course, couldn't figure out the magic wand. haha. I don't have many photos on my computer yet(everything was cleared off when i sent it away). You were right it was fun!