As Labor Day approaches, I’m not saddened by the loss of summer, but thankful at the prospect of fall. While spring may be the most eagerly awaited season, with the puppy dog anticipation of crocus shoots and longer days, autumn brings a sigh of relief with its colorful, cool days.
Spring gets you pumped up; autumn encourages you to let go.
In February and March, I find myself looking out the window at my garden, brown and trodden. I watch for the first green sprout to show itself among the soggy leaves. One by one as the early daffodils, daylilies and iris present themselves, my heart pumps faster with each green bud. Like a bear coming out of hibernation, my spirit starts to stir.
By April I find myself circling the perimeter of my yard. Sometimes two or three times a day. What’s growing new today, I wonder. By May the peonies are emerging so quickly I would swear they leap up when my back is turned. My heart soars when I notice the first buds on the hydrangea, so you can imagine the exaltation when the apple tree glows pink with blossoms.
And then before you know it, it’s July. Hot, humid, relentless, with the steamy days, blazing sun and breezeless nights. The leaves of the peonies become crispy brown. The lawn forsakes all hope that spring promised. Slugs, beetles, thrips beat you down with their tenacity.
O fall where art thou?
Labor Day is summer’s last hurrah. Who cares if I can no longer wear white...I can see a rosy touch of pink in the sky, hear a note of reprieve in the birds’ song, and feel a kiss of coolness in the night air. While I’m so happy to fill pots with flowers as spring begins, I find myself in August longing for the day when I can store the hose away.
Until it begins all over again in a few months.
(Reprinted from last year because my creativity is on the wane.)
Well said!
Lovely post and new to me since I didn't read it last year. I feel the same way about autumn. I am so happy to see it arrive after a looong hot summer. Of course here in central Texas we have mostly mild winters. Autumn is my favorite time of year.
Spring gets you pumped up; autumn encourages you to let go.
I have often marveled at how the seasons know to change exactly when I need them to. Of course, in Florida, we get our five minutes of autumn in mid-December, but we take what we can get. Still... by March, I'm itchy for pool weather again.
I envy you your autumn. Enjoy the nip in the air and the blazing colors for me too while you enjoy them for yourself.
Love your blog. Love your style.
Creativity will return with the first rain. I can do with longer summers though everything begins to droop even here in Rainland.
The change of seasons always seem to cast reflections on us humans.
Great post!
A little bird tells me che è il tuo compleanno! Tanti auguri!
Wonderful words, and that rosy sky is spectacular.
Lola xx
Autumn is my favorite season, but I've missed summer this year. Seems we were skipped over. I hope winter skips us, too.
I've always been a summer person and loathed winter. But Autumn (we use the proper term, you guys should learn it - hee!) was a close second. I loved around Halloween time when the air would be crisp with frost, mornings would sometimes produce fog and the nights would be clear and cold and dry. My birthday's in the Fall so obviously it's a superior season. :)
Here in Canada though, summer sort of becomes winter overnight. One day you're at the beach and two days later you're wearing snow boots.
San Diego is beautiful, but I really miss the seasons....
Living in hot Arizona makes me desperate and longing for the cooler weather!
Nice post Pyzahn! *smile*
I'm glad you reprinted this so I could read it, it's a lovely post. People say there are no seasons here in California. There are, they are a little less obvious perhaps, but still here. Autumn is on the way, we can feel it in the air, and see it in the light (and the trees). I love it.
Oh, this is beautiful. I'm so glad you reprinted it! I feel exactly the same way that you do. I have even learned to appreciated winter (although winter is easier for me to get through than you my dear, as we don't get pounded with snow and single digit temps very often). Bring on Autum!
P.S. I totally forgot to do blingee! I'm so sorry, and you even reminded me about it on Friday. I've been such a bad blogger lately. I'll try to do better, I promise. Hope you're doing well!
Have not experienced the four seasons for 9 years. I do miss Autumn with the beautiful leaves, but never really need to go through a real winter again, thank you very much.
Yep, you were able to write what I feel.
Beautifully said.
this is so beautiful!
and creativity ebbs and flows, for sure. no worries, tho. it'll come back. :)
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