I wish....to always be resourceful and moving with the flow of life.

I wish....to be the eternal optimist.

I wish....to keep being interested so that I may be interesting.

I wish....that I will never lose the twinkle in my eye.

I wish....that if I ever have a moment like this somebody will shoot me.

I wish....to always have a sense of humor.
(This photo is dedicated to Rudee.)
(This photo is dedicated to Rudee.)
Here's hoping all my wishes come true. And yours, too.
CREDITS: Images are courtesy of my resource coordinator, the lovely Kathy Vina.
oh these wishes are going to come true alrighty! i bet you are one of those folks that just keeps getting better and better. :)
Aww bless you. You're finally going to be old enough to drink.
Yeah, happy day! And may all your wishes come true. With your wise attitude, there are no reasons to prevent them from coming true.
Damn! I could have sworn you were already 30!
I'm so bad about guessing ages.
I cannot imagine your wishes not coming true, my dear. (OK, not the "shoot me" one.)
How shall we celebrate?
Ha! I do believe the word verification was meant for Rudee -- kinda like getting the wrong fortune at a Chinese restaurant. The word: henwool. lolololol
Rudee-let me know what word you get, OK? I think it's meant for me. And do let me now how spinning hen wool turns out.
Don't you know you're not supposed to tell people your wishes or they won't come true? Maybe that's just when you're blowing out candles. Nevermind.
Oh, yes those wishes will come true! A happy day to you!
I'd say that list is pretty comprehensive. I like it!
I love that photo. Perhaps she knits slings for men's parts that are no longer so perky.
I do hope with all of my heart that all of your wishes come true!!
Kathleen, captcha word is more suited to Pyzahn for her big day: uslystr (you sly star)!
Rudee's right. I've never been very good at "sly" -- but I'm working on it.
Meanwhile, Rocky, I've put an order in for all your wishes to come true (with the exception of one).
Worry not, my friend - you still got it! the sense of humor. Loved this. Hey is this the birthday that rhymes with nifty?
Marvin D Wilson
I can attest: it's survivable! ...and not only that...it's often exhilarating....(once I quit kicking and screaming against the "growing old gracefully...") ;^)
Smile lots.
From the looks of this post and the pics...you've got it made!
;^) ;^) ;^)
Happy Birthday, Py! I wonder where' you're celebrating? You can host a party at your house while it's all perfect - unless you've sold it already? I wish that for you. As for your wishes, well, of course, they'll come true.
Here is an idea that I torture myself with. Try to do as many new things in a year as your age, which means each year there is one more thing than the year before. It's a real challenge but it keeps things interesting.
You are SO funny, friend. I love your posts.
Thank you for visiting my blog this morning, and I regret that I've been away from yours for so long. Here's wishing you an enormously great birthday. Don't worry, someone will find you in the Flatlands and shoot you before you become that last dude.
"Will Knit for Sex." !! What will they think of next...?
Hahaha! what were we protesting? these are very funny.
Happy Birthday dear Pat, isn't life grand? ☺
Happy Big Day wishes to you!!
Those are fabulous wishes and I am sure they will come true!!
Really funny!
And many Bliss-ings on your upcoming birthday!
Hilarious post! Happy b'day girlie! When is the big day?
Tanti auguri, Pyzahn!
will knit for sex? I need someone to make me a "Will Embroider for Sex!" hat.
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