Recently I have been having fun thinking about organizing a Blogger convention. Rather like
ComicCon, only without Super Heroes. And where costumes are optional.
Then today I’m trolling blogs and I start seeing these references to
BlogHer who was hosting a conference this past weekend. Why am I the last to know? I visited the BlogHer site and scanned through the agenda.
Here’s a sample:
• The Transformational Power of Blogging
• MommyBlogging: Have You Found your Mommy Blogging Tribe?
• “Balance” is a Big, Fat, Lying, McLiar LIE for Moms who Blog
• Blogs & Body Image: What are we teaching our kids?
• You Are Not Your Disease, You Just Blog About It Every Day
• Business of You: Brands and Bloggers
• What is "Pro-Woman" in a Post-Palin World?
• Advanced Social Media, Syndication and Stats
The convention I had in mind would be much more about fun. In many ways, I feel I have found my “tribe” and now I just want to meet all of you. There would be massive socializing, lots of eating and drinking, sharing of ideas, toasting great posts and no gender requirements.
There would also be a few speakers and presentations just to keep up the pretense of a work connection so we could write off the expense.
Here’s how it’s playing in my mind.
The first thing I would do is have
drollgirl and
sallymandy up to my room for a wardrobe consultation. Working/not working from home for so long has left me fashion impaired.
Then on to happy hour where
Lola is going to demonstrate how to make Limoncello and
Eddie Bluelights will lead the conga line. While we’re feeling mellow and before we’re completely socko,
Cormac will arouse our senses with a reading from his latest pulp fiction and
Quirkyloon will bring us up to date on the threat of Zombies.
We’ll break into smaller groups for dinner, where I will meet up with
Kathleen, Rudee, ds and DistractedBSO so we can catch up on private lives and I can finally learn more of the affection for keens, how to knit and resources for poetry and images.
After dinner is rabble-rouser time, so
Vegetable Assassin and I will grab a Mexican brew and sit in her airstream goofing on people walking by.
For the next day’s presentation I haven’t fully thought out the agenda, but it could be something like this:
How to make world class videos about absolutely nothing.
- presented by
Some GuyRound table: Creating an international community within the blogosphere, for fun, not profit.
- Panel members:
Woman of No Importance, LoriX5, Ribbon and Purest GreenHow to create multiple posts every day while having a full time job and still having a life.
- presented by
Dr. Monkey Von MonkersteinIrreverence/satire/irony – punch up your writing style with humor.
- presented by
Comedy GoddessRound table: Having fun with social issues.
- Panel members:
Lakeviewer, Utah Savage, Lover of LifeWhaddya say? Are you in? Let me know your ideas so I can pull together a proposal for funding and send it off to those good folks at Blogger.
Photo: ComicCon image sourced through Google.................................................................