For more fun visit Mellow Yellow Monday hosted by Drowsey Monkey.
Photo credit: These images were pulled off a picture dump site and no photographer reference was given.
I sometimes amuse and frequently bore my friends with stories from my life. Finally someone said, "Why don't you write a blog." Yikes. Me? A dismally average, middle-aged woman from the flatlands with poor grammar and no technical savvy. What the heck. Here goes...
I love these images. They're really creative. Thanks for sharing them with us.
That is so cool and very creative.
When my clothes fall on the closet floor, they never make faces like that.
Truly imaginative! And fun.
Am going to be very careful with the clothing from now on...really creative, though!
So THAT'S why closets creeped me out as a kid.
I wonder what lurks under my bed. Oh, nevermind, I know, and it ain't pretty.
(word verification: undeme -- ha!_
Well then!!!
I think I'll sit down and have a chat with my clothes. I'll bet they won't argue.
:^) ;^) :^) ;^0
(Word verification: "listin"....
SEE???!!! They're gonna listen with NO backtalk!!!)
hahah! these are so fun and so cool! i never would have thought to do this! ever!
That's so funny... and creative!
Happy MYM!
Maybe a relative of the sock thief monster? Eerie, but cool!
VERY imaginative and just plain COOL! Love the creativity!
wow, very creative and imaginative. happy MYM.
Wonderful! Who would think all those creatures live in our closet?
You are very creative and artistic. Cool images.
now i'm a little scared ☺ Where do you find these things??
The clothing people are so cool, and yet a wee bit creepy too ;)
Yeah, that word verification monster has been screwing with me too!
LOL !! those are too funny !!!
I should go and check out what faces are lurking in my closet ! :-)
I love it, thanks for posting them :-)
Some one is very talented! :-)
Whoa, those are really awesome! I wonder if there are scary faces in my LAUNDRY?
Thanks for the warning - I can now dress with complete confidence - I did put on a pair of gardening trousers in the garage and a wasp was trapped there and stung me quite a few times - I've never taken off a pair of trousers so fast!! I like the shapes - very clever - will see you soon ~ Eddie
Those were great pictures. I never realized clothes could have so much personality.
For some reason they remind me of Jim Henson type puppets.
I think someone had too much time on their hands...LOL!
roflol. hysterical.
very clever :)
love it
x Ribbon
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