Before Shakti was Norman Vincent Peale. Currently it’s a gaggle of gurus whose beliefs in the Laws of Attraction were made popular by The Secret. Their act of “attracting” uses a similar technique, but I think they call it Vision Boards.
Whatever the name, the premise of the exercise is that you take images of objects, events, goals, that your want to create in your life and make a collage of sorts.
I’ve decided to take the fun – and the power – from the physical world into my virtual world. Here’s what I am creating in my life….here and now.

While I am a lover of great design, I will be the first to admit I have no fashion sense. I am fabulous at criticizing what others wear, but when it comes to dressing myself, I am a fashion “don’t”. So… I'm seeing a few days with Stacy and Clinton who transform me into a savvy fashionista. And they also supply the moolah.

Just once in my life before age makes it an impossibility, I want to have an occasion where I can wear really high, really cool, really expensive shoes. Pictured here is a yummy pair from Christian Louboutin.

I have modest tastes. When it comes to a home, I am a bungalow gal. I see myself in a smashing Arts & Crafts house with clean lines, bright rooms and great character.

Wherever the house may be, it comes with a tranquil garden. A special place just outside my door that welcomes me with green, green, green serenity.

While I don’t have many material wants, I do covet great art. I am not haughty enough to believe I will ever own a Gauguin or a Matisse or a Hockney, but I do treat myself on occasion to a local artist. My true love is folk art. Pictured here is a painting ("Catbird") by St. Louis artist Theresa Disney. Her whimsical style tickles my fancy.

I have become a real homebody and haven’t been traveling much. These days I prefer a weekend retreat to lengthy trips. BUT…there are still several places I am going to visit. Around 1989 I planned a trip to Yugoslavia, then canceled at the last minute. Good thing because war broke out. These days the country is called Croatia…and it still calls to me. Amazing history matched with shimmering beaches sounds magical.

Since I’ve moaned about it enough, you probably know I currently don’t have a “real” job. My background is marketing but I am open to new possibilities. No, I don’t want to be an astronaut. Oprah says the universe plans bigger things for us than we do for ourselves. So I am throwing open my arms to embrace what the universe has in mind for me.

I have never carried in my DNA the gene that cries out for a spouse. But that doesn’t mean I am opposed to having a fabulous guy in my life – best friend, intelligent humorist, kind soul – yes, my co-pilot. Oh, yeah, he’s tall.

Last but not least, financial stability. I don’t need to make “Fortune’s” list of billionaires, just steady cash flow with enough for a few frills. I have been visualizing generous amounts of cash in my bank account. Just today I found eight bucks on the sidewalk. See how fast this works!
If you’ve hung in this far, you are a true blogger’s friend. Now clear your mind. Visualize a tall, dark haired woman of Italian descent living in the flatlands. She is surrounded by all the lovelies outlined here. She is smiling. Now she’s waving. And she’s sending back to you bright flowing energy.
So be it.
All photos sourced through Google images.
Dear visitors:
Please note this is a small representation of what I am creating in my life. Not enough room, or time, for it all to appear.
Most obviously missing is good health and good friends.
I also visualize "comments" from the blogosphere...and look, here you are!
"These days the country is called Croatia…and it still calls to me. Amazing history matched with shimmering beaches sounds magical."
Amazingly, even though there is an Italian Riviera, that was the real Italian Riviera. When the Italians wanted to live like royalty, they would go there and take advantage of the realitve strength of the Lira.
Here I is. This was fun.
we have many wants and desires in common, FOR SURE!!
and i'd kill (literally?) for that house and that garden.
Lovely visualizations. Well conceived. And who told you that you cannot be a fashionista? You have Italian style DNA, no?
I love entries like this, they're like a little insight into your SOUL. :) As for Croatia, I've been although not for a long time (since I was backpacking in 1994 to be exact, as a sweet young thang) and when I was there the war in Bosnia was still on and Croatia was full of bullet ridden ghost towns and signs of war everywhere and UN vans all over the place. Yet I still loved it. The whole coast is BEAUTIFUL. Split is one of my fave places anywhere - generic new town, cute, quaint old town with European square and cafes and gift stores and craft places. Beautiful harbour. Lovely buildings. Huge street market. Beer that makes you fall down. Palm trees. Lovely. I've always wanted to go back.
I'm visualizing me wearing those shoes. oh, oops sorry! heehee.
Nooow, i'm visualizing you wearing the shoes, in the house,with your friends in the garden and your new boss calling to say have fun on your European vacation! and, where you will meet Mr.Prattle, in an art gallery of course.
I enjoyed this very much.
hello - and here am i - waving back to you from my little cottage on the beach where i have my windows open for the sounds of the waves lapping the shore in the front and the sounds of the marsh grass and birds out my bedroom - hmmm - or perhaps i'm in my little log cabin in the mountains and my big stone fireplace - or maybe i'm in my hacienda in the southwest with the colors of the desert flashing through the veranda out back - or maybe from my ultra moderne loft space with cement floors and walls and a swing hanging from the rafters - or i could be waving from the back of my bigblack harley anywhere - but no matter where, wishing you a great day!!!
I read Gawain's book many years ago, but still use her "creative visualization" techniques. I have an "Intention Board" which is similar to your Vision Board, I think. Love to add to it and remove stuff that may have changed in my life. A nice way to be clear on what your life to look like.
Great post, love those shoes!
I love the "Catbird" painting! -e
Love the shoes, the house and the garden. I'd never want to leave home again if I had all three!
Many of the things you visualize for yourself are things I want, too. Except the high heels.
Waving right back at you and saying I appreciate your sharing this with the rest of us.
I love this post.
Love the house and garden. Really enjoyed this post. I hope all you imagine becomes part of your life. May you have fair winds and following seas on your voyage to Croatia.
Ommmmmm . . .
Deep in visualization
(Opens one eye: Is it working yet?)
Awesome post! May I borrow this idea?
I hear ya; its all about keeping the dream(s) alive and kickin.....
I love that catbird painting!
Okay, from one random blogger in the bloggedy blogosphere to another, I am visualizing it all for you, Pyzahn! But I can't fit you on my collage, not a whole lot of room--sorry!
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