You’ve reached middle age
When all you exercise is caution.
When all you exercise is caution.
This quote caught my eye because I have a birthday coming up. A BIG birthday. Gulp. Strange thing about time. It marches on without regard for our dread of aging.
Honestly, I do believe that age is a state of mind. So that makes me about 24. I would have said 18 but I wanted to get past the acne years.
Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.
~Chili Davis
~Chili Davis
I am pretty darn conscious about taking care of myself. I try to eat well. (Uh, hang on a minute, I got ice cream on the keyboard. Ok. All gone.) I exercise regularly. (Hut, one, two.) And in the past couple of years I have added in some yoga stretches. (The corpse pose, the one where you lie on your back…that’s my favorite.)
The great secret that all old people share
is that you really haven't changed
in seventy or eighty years.
Your body changes, but you don't change at all.
And that, of course, causes great confusion.
~Doris Lessing
is that you really haven't changed
in seventy or eighty years.
Your body changes, but you don't change at all.
And that, of course, causes great confusion.
~Doris Lessing
While I do admit to sometimes fretting about the wear and tear that the years have put on my body, I worry more about the loss of spirit. Of spunk. Of spontaneity. My body may be slowing down, but I want my heart to soar.
None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm.
~Henry David Thoreau
~Henry David Thoreau
And so I think as a waking reminder, I will have painted on the ceiling above my bed, the word of God. (Well, at least he played God in a movie.)
You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old.
~George Burns
~George Burns
And I sez you will never get old with that wonderful sense of humor you have.
BTW, happy BIG birthday early!
You have no idea how much I needed to hear this. Pyzahn, you are an angel. Thank you for such a thoughtful post.
And I have no doubt you will never lose your spunk, spontaneity, or soaring heart.
Sheesh! Look what you did when you lost your mojo!
I rest by case. (I adore that same yoga pose . . . in fact, I think I'll assume in -- in bed)
(PS: When's the big day?)
I love this post. Reading your blog makes me so happy ;) Years don't matter, it's all about the way you think, the way you live. Happy birthday (early)!
Adorable, you are! Sez I...
Fhina Fhi x
"we don't stop playing because we grow old,
we grow old because we stop playing"
george bernard shaw
:) Ribbon
wishing you a wonderful birthday
An early happy happy birthday to you P!
I love your fresh and sparkling attitude about aging!
AND...my mind is still 19 and that's not always a good thing! heh heh heh
Great quotes. And with your attitude and sense of humor you'll not get older, just better. (winnk)
The Old Silly
I know I am getting old, when it take me longer and longer to bounce back from illness and when I watch reality game shows, things I used to want to try, no longer have any interest for me.....they just look painful, regardless of how much money I could win.
ugh. i hear ya!
i have a birthday coming up and and am feeling (and looking?) rather old and depressed. sigh. and all the AGING articles i have been reading lately in fashion mags are making me feel rather SHITTAY! sigh. OH WELL. onward and upward! :)
dear pat,
what a wonderful post! love all the quotes and YOU should defintely not worry about ever getting old, no matter what age you are.
Happy almost Birthday! enjoy it all, anyway, what's the alternative?
lots of love,
oh! and i forgot to say how thrilling you won that book! great! i need to go look for it, i have a great interest in scotland since marrying into the grahams a few years ago. someday we will get there...
"I worry more about the loss of spirit. Of spunk. Of spontaneity. My body may be slowing down, but I want my heart to soar." Your words resonated with me more than the quotes of others.
Thank you. That sentiment is exactly where I am right now. Glad I'm not the only one.
On my desk is a card purchased for a friend (this is the year of the BIG b'day) which says: "Maturity is a phase. Adolescence is forever." Unless of course, you are 24 (!), in which case it is youth.
Fragrant Liar is right. The best words are yours. Long may your heart soar.
Happy birthday!
So true, on all accounts! Thanks for the encouragement!
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