I sometimes amuse and frequently bore my friends with stories from my life. Finally someone said, "Why don't you write a blog." Yikes. Me? A dismally average, middle-aged woman from the flatlands with poor grammar and no technical savvy. What the heck. Here goes...
Do you mind if i borrow this photo?
so great.
No comment needed. That image is worth a thousand words, but I will only add one: AMEN.
Lola xx
Couldn't say it better myself.
The Old Silly
Short, simple, and to the point.
PS. I have been reading your blog lately and have really enjoyed it. I hope you don't mind me following.:)
love it!!
Hear! hear!
Awesome! great pic.
Gives me goosebumps...
...and there are times, when you do...it will....
it IS true - a picture is worth 1000 words - in this case, perhaps more - jenean
The words, and the way they're written haphazardly on the side of an abandoned house with spray paint - is incredibly powerful. Thanks for sharing! :)
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